What to Do If You Find a Lost Cat

Have you ever seen a stray cat lying under your car or meandering through your neighborhood? You could be tempted to bring the cat home and adopt it if you’re a cat lover. But before you do, remember that the cat might already have a caring owner out there looking for it. The cat can also be feral and unaccustomed to human interaction.

Thus, you might be wondering what to do, how to assist the cat, and how to get the cat back to its owner. But returning a missing cat to its owner should always be your priority.

What to Do If You Find a Lost Cat

Steps to Take in the Event of a Lost Cat Discovery

Reuniting with a lost cat might be difficult. Though you might not know where to take it, how to approach it, or how to locate its owner, you could still want to help the cat. If you come across a lost cat, follow these measures.

Identify the Whether the Cat Is Feral or Stray

You could be perplexed if you come across a missing cat and question if it is a stray or feral cat. Before you question what to do if you locate a missing cat, you must ascertain whether it is a stray or a wild cat.

Because they have never been socialized and instead live in the wild, feral cats are typically extremely afraid of people and will act aggressively toward them. Because they were once owned by someone but were abandoned or lost, stray cats tend to be friendlier and more approachable.

By examining a feral cat’s behavior and look, you can distinguish it from a stray cat. When you approach a feral cat, it will typically hiss, growl, avoid eye contact, or flee. A stray cat might meow at you, brush up against you, or just stare. A stray cat may have a cleaner, smoother, or healthier coat than a wild cat, who may also have an injured, matted, or dirty coat.

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If the cat is feral, it might be afraid of you and may become hostile, so you should leave it alone and avoid trying to trap it. If the cat is stray, you can assist it by doing what comes next.

Make Sure the Cat’s Safety

You should be respectful and cautious if you choose to approach the cat. Never try to grab, corner, or chase the cat. It could harm or frighten the cat. Instead, speak in a soothing, kind tone while luring the cat in with food or drink.

You can pick up the cat and put it in a box or carrier if it appears nice and lets you pet it. If the cat seems scared or aggressive, you can catch it with a humane trap. A local animal shelter may lend you a trap, or you can purchase one.

After the cat is secure, you should examine it to make sure it is healthy. Take the cat to the doctor as soon as possible if it exhibits any signs of illness, such as wounds, infections, or parasites.

You can keep the cat in a peaceful, comfortable room away from kids and other pets if it appears to be in good health. In addition to food and water, the cat needs toys, a litter box, and a place to hide. Additionally, keep an eye on the cat’s demeanor and behavior to observe whether it gradually becomes more laid-back and dependable.

Try to Find Out Its Identity

The next action is to attempt to ascertain whether or not the cat has an owner. To do this, look for any collars, microchips, or identification tags on the cat. The owner’s name, contact information, and address may be on a tag or collar.

A microchip is a tiny implanted device that is placed beneath the skin of the cat and has a special code that can be scanned by a veterinarian or a shelter. You can get in touch with the microchip provider or the animal shelter if the cat is microchipped. They will aid in your search for the missing cat’s owner.

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Search for Missing Pets in Your Area

Finding missing pets in your region and seeing if any of them match the cat you found is another option to assist a lost feline. Look through local announcements, posters, and fliers for lost cats. To find out if anyone has reported a missing cat that fits the description of the cat you have found, you can also get in touch with animal shelters and rescue organizations.

To find out whether there have been any reports of missing pets in your region, you may also search lost and found pet websites like PawMaw. They have user-updated databases to assist you in finding reported missing pets based on location.

Additionally, PawMaw’s system will automatically create a missing cat flyer based on the details and images you supply if you use it to report a lost cat. Additionally, you can print it off and share it locally.

Publish a Notice Saying “Found Cat”

You should post a sign stating “found cat” and hope that someone will come pick it up if you are unable to locate any missing cat reports on the cat you have discovered. Put the cat’s picture, a description, and your contact details in a notice.

After that, post your message on social media, online pet forums, and pet lost and found websites. Additionally, if the cat is adopted or claimed, delete the note and update it frequently.

Additionally, you should use caution when giving the cat to someone who doesn’t appear trustworthy or who can’t provide proof of ownership. Before transferring the cat, request ownership documentation, such as pictures, medical records, or adoption paperwork, and double-check the details.

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If Needed, Find the Cat a New Home

There’s a potential that using the above methods won’t help you locate the owner of the lost cat. If so, you need to locate a new home for the cat. You have two options for adopting the cat: either you or a friend or relative of yours, or someone you know, can ask whether they would be interested in adopting the cat.

You can also give a call to nearby rescue organizations, foster families, or shelters to see if they can take the cat in or assist you in finding a new home. Leave the job of finding the cat a new home to an animal shelter and stay away from social media.

Final Words

You now know what to do if you come across a lost cat after reading this blog. The lost cat’s well-being and general health are entirely your responsibility while it is in your care. To make sure the cat is safe and secure in its proper location, adhere to the instructions given.

Determine whether the cat is feral or stray, make sure it’s secure, attempt to identify it, look for any missing pets nearby, post a note stating that the cat has been located, and, if necessary, find it a new home. You can assist the cat in finding a new, loving home or in reuniting with its owner by doing this. Both the cats and your lives can be changed by you.