Why Does My Cat Meow When I Sneeze: Understanding the reasons!

Cats are interesting animals. Have you ever observed that your cat meows when you sneeze? This is a strange behavior that has puzzled many cat owners. However, there might be an explanation for it. As someone who loves cats, I wanted to find out why they do this. So, I looked into the science behind it.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the fascinating world of cats and explore their unique ways of communicating. We’ll talk about the different types of cat meows and their meanings, and we’ll also dive into the science of sneezing and how it affects cats. From there, we’ll explore the various theories behind why cats meow during sneezing and offer some tips on how to comfort your furry friend during these times.

As someone who loves their cat and wants to understand them better, I’m excited to share my findings with you. So, sit back, grab a cup of coffee (or a catnip tea if you prefer), and let’s unravel the mystery of why cats meow when we sneeze!

Possible Reasons Why Cats Meow When We Sneeze

As a cat owner, you may have noticed that your feline friend meows when you sneeze. While there’s no definitive answer to this behavior, there are several theories as to why cats meow when we sneeze. Here are possible reasons:

Cat meowing
savitskaya iryna – iStock
  • Seeking Attention – Just like humans, cats love attention too! When you sneeze, your cat may see this as an opportunity to get some extra love and affection from their favorite human. By meowing, they are saying, “Hey, look at me! Give me some attention too!”
  • Mimicking Humans – Cats are natural copycats (pun intended). They love to imitate the behavior of their owners, and this includes vocalizations. If they see you sneezing and meowing afterward, they may start to associate the two actions and start meowing whenever you sneeze.
  • Expressing Empathy – Studies have shown that cats have the ability to empathize with their owners. They may meow when you sneeze to show that they care about your well-being and are concerned for your health.
  • Alarming the Owner – Cats have excellent hearing, and a sudden sneeze can startle them. By meowing afterward, they may be trying to alert you that something unusual has happened.
  • Indicating Concern – Cats are very in tune with their environment and can pick up on subtle changes in their owner’s behavior. If they sense that something is wrong when you sneeze, they may meow to indicate their concern and show that they are there for you.
  • Marking Territory – Cats are territorial animals and use vocalizations to mark their territory and communicate with other cats. By meowing when you sneeze, your cat may be asserting their ownership over you and reminding you that you belong to them.
  • Seeking Comfort – Cats are creatures of habit and routine. If something unexpected happens, like a sudden sneeze, they may meow because they’re seeking comfort and reassurance from their owner.
  • Expressing Curiosity – Cats are naturally curious creatures and love to investigate new things. When you sneeze, your cat may be intrigued by the sound and want to learn more about it. By meowing, they may be expressing their curiosity and asking you to explain what just happened.
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Does My Cat Understand Sneezes?

If you have a cat, you might have thought about whether they understand when you sneeze. It’s not completely clear, but there are some signs that suggest they might.

Cats can hear and smell very well. If you sneeze, it might surprise your cat and they could look up, move away, or meow.

cunfek – iStock

If your cat is used to your sneezing, they might not react much. They may just glance up or keep doing what they were doing.

Some experts think that cats can notice small changes in their owner’s actions, like sneezing. They might realize that you’re not doing well or are in pain, and could express care by meowing or staying near you.

However, it’s important to note that cats do not have the same level of understanding as humans when it comes to sneezing. They may not comprehend the concept of allergies or the need to cover your mouth when sneezing, for example.

How to Respond to Your Cat’s Meows During Sneezing

If your cat is meowing during your sneezing, there are a few different ways you can respond to their behavior. Here are some suggestions:

Cat Meow During Sneezing
MVolodymyr – Shutterstock
  • Acknowledge them: If your cat is meowing at you during your sneezing, try to acknowledge them by making eye contact or giving them a quick pet. This can help them feel heard and validated.
  • Comfort them: If your cat seems upset or anxious during your sneezing, try to comfort them by offering gentle pets, calming words, or even a favorite toy or treat.
  • Ignore them: If your cat’s meowing is not bothering you or is simply a regular part of their behavior, you can choose to ignore them and continue on with your activities. Cats are known for their vocalizations, and meowing during sneezing may just be a quirk of your cat’s personality.
  • Address underlying issues: If your cat’s meowing during sneezing is a new behavior or seems out of character, it may be a sign of an underlying issue such as anxiety or stress. If this is the case, it’s important to address these issues with your veterinarian or a cat behavior specialist.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it normal for cats to meow during sneezing?

Yes, it’s not uncommon for cats to meow during sneezing. Many cats are highly sensitive to sudden noises or changes in their environment, and may react by meowing or vocalizing.

Should I be concerned if my cat meows during sneezing?

It depends on your cat’s behavior and overall health. If your cat seems anxious or upset during your sneezing, it may be a sign of an underlying issue such as anxiety or stress. If you have concerns about your cat’s behavior, it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian.

Can cats recognize their owner’s sneezing?

Yes, cats may be able to recognize their owner’s sneezing and may react accordingly. They may show concern or curiosity, or may simply continue with their activities if they’re used to their owner’s sneezing.


In conclusion, cats meowing during sneezing can be a fascinating behavior that many cat owners may have noticed. While there is no one definitive answer as to why cats do this, it could be a sign of concern or anxiety, a reaction to the sudden noise, or simply a quirk of their personality.

Whatever the reason may be, it’s important to observe your cat’s behavior and respond accordingly to help them feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Whether you choose to acknowledge, comfort, or simply ignore your cat’s meows during sneezing, understanding their behavior can help strengthen the bond between you and your feline friend.